Automobile Insurance

The university insures its fleet of vehicles on a liability only basis. This means that authorized MSU drivers will be covered for damages to third parties in the event of an accident. As MSU vehicles are self-insured, damages to fleet vehicles must be paid out of departmental budgets.

All MSU vehicles should have current proof of insurance in the vehicle at all times. Please check your departmental vehicle to ensure they have a copy of the current insurance card below.

Automobile Insurance Card

It is imperative that all MSU vehicles only be used in the course of official university business. Vehicles used for non-university tasks or personal use may be denied coverage for non-authorized usage.

Employees who are operating their personal vehicle for business use will also have auto liability coverage, as long as they are using their vehicle for university business purposes. However, their own personal auto insurance will be responsible for damages to their vehicle. As some personal auto carriers are hesitant to cover business usage insurance, it is highly recommended that employees clear business use coverage with their insurance provider before using their vehicle for business purposes.

If you have been involved in an auto accident reporting please follow all reporting procedures outlined on the auto accident reporting webpage.